true prayer
true prayer
There was a pond on the outskirts of a village. Thepond was very deep. Its water did not dry up even inthe summer season. There were various kinds of colourful fishesand frogs in the pond. The villagers never killed the fishes in their pond.Often, people used to make balls of flour and put them in thepond for the fishes to eat. The fishes and frogs lived very peacefully onthe outskirts of the pond. Once, it did not rain during the rainyseason. The water of the pond started drying up. The frogs andfishes started feeling restless. There was so little water left in the pondthat the water till the bottom would become hot due to the intenseheat. The fishes started suffering a lot due to the hot water.One day the birds sitting on the peepal tree near the pondstarted running towards a cooler place. The flock of frogs alsostarted hopping and getting ready to leave. But where would thefish go? In two days the entire pond became deserted.There was a frog in the pond, he did not go anywhere.His friends told him to but he did not like to leavehis birthplace. A fish said to him - "Frog brother,why did you not go?"KThe frog said, "I love my birthplace very much.I was born in this pond. I grew up in it.
You all have supported me in good and badtimes. How can I leave you all? I don't like this.""Brother Frog, we fishes are helpless. Wecannot jump around like you or fly like birds,but you can go somewhere and save your lifeand get a new life." said the fish.The frog said, "I will not leave you all and goanywhere. All days are not the same. Days of sorrowcome but after some days a new dawn of happiness alsocomes. We should believe in God. He is very kind. He is kindto everyone. The prayers of a sad person have great power."In the evening all the fish gathered at one place along with thefrog. All of them prayed to God for a long time. Everyonehad the hope that God would definitely listen to their sincereprayers.While the frogs and the fish were talking, a villageboy named Nakul was listening to all this. Nakul wentto the village and told all this to the villagers- evenanimals have immense love for their soil. You and I humansdo not care for them for our selfish reasons.• Let us pray to God for rain today. The villagersprayed with all their heart and coincidentally dark cloudsgathered in the sky that day. It rained heavily and thepond was filled with water again.